Privacy policy

Our privacy policy below («Privacy Policy») describes the information we collect and how we use your
private information that you may provide in connection with your use of the Web Site
(«Web Site»). This Privacy Policy is an essential part of our Terms of Use, available here.

As described in more detail below, we use your information to conduct our business, helping us to
provide you with the customer service, products and shopping experience you expect from Glam it up.
We may use your information to complete shipments of the products you purchase, to contact you
regarding existing orders, to inform you of new products, to inform you of sales or special offers, or to
provide customer service in connection with your use of the Site. Web.

Please review our Privacy Policy carefully and contact us if you have any questions. By using the
Website, creating an account, subscribing, logging in or making a purchase on our Website, you accept
the practices described on this page. If you do not agree with the practices of this Privacy Policy, please,
do not use our Website.

Updates to these terms

Please return to this page occasionally to review the most current version of this Privacy Policy. We
reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, without prior notice, so it is important to check
it periodically. By continuing to use the Website and / or the Website services, you accept this Privacy
Policy and any modifications we make.

Information Collected

When you send or enter information on our Website, we may store it. We may collect and store
information that can identify you, such as your first and last name, telephone number, postal address and
email address, fax number, and billing information (such as your credit card number, name of the
cardholder, expiration date, security code and billing address). We may ask you for other information
beyond the information above. You can choose not to provide the information we request, but in some
cases, if you do not provide the requested information, we may not be able to complete the transaction.

A certain amount of personal information is required to use the Site. For example, your email address is
required to register as a member, to receive the newsletter of new merchandise and / or status of orders
placed, to send a request for customer service, so that we can answer any questions or requests for
service to the customer, to participate in a survey, contest or raffle, or to initiate transactions on our

Gift recipient information

When you buy something on our Website for someone else or send a gift card to someone through our
Website, we may request personal information about that person. You must obtain the consent of all
other persons before providing us with your personal information.

Information from other sources

In addition to obtaining information directly from you, from time to time we may obtain personal and non-
personal information about you from our affiliates, business partners and other third parties and add it to

our account information. Some examples of the type of information we may collect include: updated
delivery and address information, purchasing history, and demographic information.

Information Automatically Collected

When you visit our Website, some of the information is automatically collected. As an example, but not
by way of limitation, we will collect your IP address, Internet browser software (be it Firefox, Safari,
Google Chrome, Internet Explorer or other) and the referring Website. We may also collect information
related to the type of technology you use to access our Website. In addition, we may collect information
about your activity on our Website, whether you viewed or browsed a specific page and any purchases
made. We use this information to improve your experience and the experience of other customers and to
prevent fraud. To read more about these practices, read our «Cookies and Other Technologies» section

Information collected with Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to understand how people use our Website. Google Analytics allows us to view
data related to Site traffic, but does not allow us to view any personally identifiable information. To learn
more about the Google Analytics service, click here.

How your information is used

We use your billing information (cardholder name, credit card number, expiration date, billing address,
and security code) to complete any transactions you make on our Website, whether they are purchases
or refunds. We do not store your credit card billing information. Third-party service providers, such as the
credit card processor that processes your transaction, may store your credit card billing information as
necessary to process your transaction. We use your information to provide you with confirmations and
updates, to manage your account, to communicate with you in general, to answer your questions and
comments, to improve our offers, services and Website, to notify you of special offers, products or
services, to personalize your experience with our Website, to reward you as part of a rewards or
recognition program in which you choose to participate, to request information from you (including
through surveys), to resolve disputes, collect fees or resolve problems, to prevent illegal activities or
potentially illegal, to enforce our Terms of Use, to comply with laws and regulations, and as described at
the point of collection of your information. We may use or disclose non-personally identifiable information
at our discretion, without limitation.

Email contacts

We want to ensure that you are informed of sales on our Website and any special promotions we may
carry out, including sweepstakes or contests. One way to do this is to send him email messages. Please
note that you can unsubscribe from our email messages at any time through the link at the bottom of
each email. Please review the «Options Regarding Our Collection and Use of Your Information» below.

Social media information

We may receive information about you from certain social media companies and websites, including, but
not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Such information may include your name, profile,
comments and other information published on the social media platform. In addition, by interacting with
us through any of our social media platforms, you can provide personal information that will be publicly
available through the social media website or on our Website. Please note that if you share personal
information in a public environment such as a social media platform, it may be publicly visible and may
be collected and used by people or companies other than us. We cannot control how publicly visible
information is used, so please share your information with caution.

With whom we share your information
We may share your information with the following people or companies:

Merchants and third-party service providers

We may provide your information to outside merchants or service providers, including credit card
processors, business analytics, website analytics companies, customer service, marketing companies,
advertising service providers, for the distribution of surveys, surveys, promotions or sweepstakes
programs, and in support of fraud prevention efforts. We may also allow third party service providers to
collect information for us, including information required to be able to operate features on our Website or
to be able to provide online advertisements that target your specific interests. Third-party service
providers may access and collect information, but only as necessary to perform their specific functions
for the Website. Although we request third parties to keep your information secure and not to use or
disclose it for any reason, except to provide services that allow the proper functioning of the Website and
for the reasons mentioned above, we do not limit or can limit the use or disclosure of your personal
information from external service providers. We do not control the data security practices of third parties.

Credit card information

All credit card transactions are completed by an external credit card processor. We do not store or have
access to your credit card information. If you request that we process a credit card transaction over the
phone or in person, we do not store your credit card billing information and we do not share your billing
information with anyone except the credit card processor.

Commercial Partners

We may provide your information to business partners with whom we jointly offer products or services, or
whose products or services are offered on our Site. If a third party is involved in a product or service
offered on our Site, it will be evident because their name will appear on our Site, either alone or with
ours. If you access, use or purchase any of the products offered by our business partners, we may share
information about you with them. Such information may include your personal information. We do not
control the data security practices of third-party business partners.

Referrals from other websites

If another Website referred you to our Website (either through a link on the site or otherwise), we may
share certain information about you with the referring Website. We do not establish limitations on the use
of your personal information by reference websites. We recommend that you review the privacy policies
of any website that may have referred you to our Website.

Corporate transactions

We may share your personal information in connection with a corporate transaction, whether it is a sale,
merger, consolidation, association or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy.

Aggregate information

In addition to the above, we may also share anonymous or aggregated information with third parties,
including advertisers, merchants, partners, and investors. For example, we may share the traffic on our
Website and any statistics related to visitor interaction with our Website with third parties. Such
information does not contain personal information.

If not stated otherwise in this Privacy Policy, you will be notified at any time that information about you
will be shared with third parties. In such cases, you will have the option to choose not to share your

Access or change your information

You can access and update your information on our Website by logging into your account on our
Website. You can close your account by contacting us at If you close your
account, you will no longer be able to log in or access your personal information in your account.
However, you can open a new account whenever you want. Although your account will be closed, we
may keep certain information related to your account on file for analytical or record keeping purposes.

Options regarding our collection and use of your information

As described above, you have the option of not providing us with your information. However, it may be
necessary to make purchases on the Website, to interact with our customer service department or to
conduct business between you and our Website. You can add, delete or update information. You can
also close your account, as described above.

As a member of our Site, you will receive emails about offers and products on our Site. If you do not wish
to receive such email messages, you can unsubscribe via the link at the bottom of that email message.
Even if you unsubscribe, we reserve the right to send you communications about service
announcements, administrative messages, and surveys related to your experience with the Website,
without giving you the ability to opt out of receiving such messages.

You cannot limit or prevent our use or disclosure of non-personally identifiable information.

Cookies and other technologies

Cookies are small text data files that can be stored on your computer’s hard drive. Some Internet
browsers prevent the storage of cookies. Most browsers provide guidance to prevent your browser from
accepting and storing new cookies, to notify you when you receive a new cookie, or to block cookies
entirely. However, if you refuse to accept cookies, part of the functionality of our Website may be affected
and your experience may be affected.

This Website uses cookies in the following way:

Recognize you as a regular visitor and save and reapply any preferences or information that you entered
on the Website on a previous visit. As an example, if you have already registered on our Site and
entered your email and password, we may use cookies to remember your account information, so you
will not need to log in again when you return to visit our Website.
To personalize your experience on this Website. As an example, if you access a page on our Website,
we may automatically set a cookie for your browser to recognize so that we can provide relevant
information based on your interests.
To measure and investigate the impact of the pages, offers, advertisements and email messages of our
Website (analyzing which emails it opens and interacts with).

Protect your information
Your trust is important to us. We are committed to protecting the information we collect on our Website.
Although we cannot guarantee the security of our site, we have implemented a series of administrative,
technical, virtual and physical security methods to protect the information you provide us. For example,
we limit access to personal information to authorized employees solely for business functions.

Additionally, our systems use encryption when they transmit your information between our system and
your system, using firewalls and intrusion detection systems to help prevent unauthorized people from
accessing and viewing your information.

We use Secure Sockets Layer («SSL») technology. SSL technology encrypts the information you provide
to the Website so that only we can decode your information. You can find out if your connection is secure
with SSL by checking the bar at the bottom of your browser. You will see a key or a closed lock. If you
don’t see a key or lock, SSL might not be active.

We take reasonable precautions to ensure that your information is secure, however, we cannot
guarantee the security of your personal information. No server or Internet transmission is 100% secure or
error free. While there is no «perfect security» on the Internet, we take reasonable steps to help ensure
the security of your personal information. However, you understand and agree that such steps do not
guarantee that the Website and the services provided by the Website are invulnerable to all security
breaches or immune to viruses, security threats or other vulnerabilities.

Ways to protect personal information on your website account

When creating or using your account on our Website, there are a number of practices that can help limit
the risk of misuse or theft of personal information:

Create a complex password.
Change your password frequently.
Do not share your password with others.
Use the latest security software for your devices.
Use password protection on your mobile devices.
Always log off Internet sessions and make sure that other users on the same device cannot reopen it.
Do not use the same password on multiple websites or accounts.

Protect the privacy of children

Our Website is a General Audience Website that does not offer services directed at children. As provided
by our Terms of Use, access and use of our site is limited to persons over the age of 18. If a child we
know to be under the age of 13 submits personal information to us, we will use that information to
respond directly to that child, to inform you that we need parental consent before accepting your
personal information.

External links

Any link to sites other than this Website is not operated under this Privacy Policy. Any of these websites
may have its own Privacy Policy. We recommend that you review and understand any Privacy Policy
posted on such Website to understand how they may collect, use and disclose your personal information.
Visit our website from outside the United States Our Website is operated by a United States corporation.
If you visit our Website from outside the United States, please be aware that your information will be
sent, stored and processed in the United States, where our servers are located, our central database
operates, and our company conducts business. This Website operates in accordance with the laws of the
State of Florida and the United States. The laws of your country may be stricter than the laws of the
United States, but we take many precautions to protect your information. By using our services, you
understand that your information is presented to our facilities, as well as third parties with whom we can
share in accordance with this Policy.

Visit our website from outside the United States Our Website is operated by a United States corporation.
If you visit our Website from outside the United States, please be aware that your information will be
sent, stored and processed in the United States, where our servers are located, our central database
operates, and our company conducts business. This Website operates in accordance with the laws of the
State of Florida and the United States. The laws of your country may be stricter than the laws of the
United States, but we take many precautions to protect your information. By using our services, you
understand that your information is presented to our facilities, as well as third parties with whom we can
share in accordance with this Policy.

Changes to this privacy policy

In the future, we may change or update this Policy. We will notify you of any material changes by sending
a notification to the email address you provide or by placing a notice visible on our Website.

Contact Us
If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, any product that is for sale on our Website or about us in
general, send us an email at or call us at 321-387-0947.

You can also write to us at:

Attention: Customer Service

PO Box 453271 Kissimmee, Florida 34745

Effective since Jan 2023.